Column Swap Program
Save time, cut cost and reduce waste with our column swap program.

Column Swap Program
Argento Scientific speeds up the turnaround of your pre-packed columns when you participate in our Column Swap Program. And the good news is that you will also be cutting waste by recycling your column fleet which reduces costs.

4 Easy Steps
You purchase column hardware.
We ship you half of the columns packed, using your resin, holding the rest in reserve.
You receive your packed columns in one to two weeks.
When you need new packed columns, we ship you newly packed ones from your reserve and you ship us back your empties.
Benefits of the glass chromatography column swap program from Argento Scientific include:
Quick Turnaround - receive packed columns in one to two weeks.
Reduce Cost - only pay the cost to pack after initial hardware purchase.
Testing - each column comes individually tested and certified.
Cost Savings - We will source the resin or you can buy it cost effectively in bulk.
Made in the USA - column packing happens here in the US, not overseas, and is customs free.
Superior Performance - upgrade from disposable to better high-grade glass columns. Benefit from more pressure tolerance, transparency, less carryover and more chemically inertness.